I have a confession....all of that is bullshit. I was not excited about, nor did I particularly enjoy wedding planning. If that makes me a terrible "girl", I don't care. I fought, and mostly managed, to keep the event and the budget small. One of the few things I did enjoy was designing and making the wedding invitations and thank you notes. We wanted something personalized but we also needed to keep costs down.
We had accidentally stumbled onto a pear theme since the venue was in a pear orchard and we had decided to give away pears as wedding favors (inexpensive and the guests really enjoyed them). I found these inexpensive pear and leaf stamps online (http://www.rubberstamptapestry.com/) and started my design from there. I ordered the paper and envelopes from paperandmore.com
It took some work to get the backing paper flat! |
I created a template for the invitations in Word. Two invitations were printed on each page and the margins were set so that, when printed, I would be able to cut about 1/4 inch off of the bottom and one side of the invitations and be left with perfectly centered text on a sheet of paper slightly smaller than the brown craft-paper backing. I also created a template for the RSVP information inserts (10 per page).
Next, I made my trusty aileen's tacky glue-water mixture and glued the printed sheet to the backing. I added just enough water to help the glue spread easily. If you add too much water the paper will warp. These, again, sat under heavy books for a bit so that they dried nicely.
I stamped the top of each invitation with the pear and leaves. My dear husband cut all of the RSVP inserts from the main sheet into lovely leaf shapes and hole-punched one side. I thought the leaf shaped tag was a nice way to include contact and RSVP information. The "leaves" were then tied around the invitations with a single string pulled from a length of twine.
The finished product (not our actual names). |